Fresh Quote!!!

I honestly think it is better to be a FAILURE at something you LOVE than to be a SUCCESS at something you HATE.

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Ada makhluk dalam ini rumah~

Hey Yaw!! What's UP??!! <--------- Cliche intro.. haha,,, ini hari, post dalam bahasa melayu.. Berkenaan dengan tajuk di atas.. Ada makhluk dalam ini rumah... huuuu~~~

Rumah Pak Cik ku / Acu
Ini rumah pak cik aku.. Rumah ni jugak office aku.. since aku dah keje ngan pak cik aku, aku dok sini je le.. balik rumah biler malam je.. time nak tido je... Nak dijadikan cerita, semalam benda ni jadi..

Semalam aku kerja.. al maklumlah.. kerja 6 hari seminggu ni.. huhu.. Aku enjoy dgn keje aku ni.. haha.. Semalam pagi2 tu semua ada.. family pak cik aku ni pun ada sekali.. aku panggil pak cik aku ni Acu.. so family acu aku ni semua ada.. diorang plan nak pegi lumut, holiday sana 2 hari 1 malam.. Acu ada ajak aku, tapi aku ada dinner kat SYUEN HOTEL ada makan malam ANDERSONION OLD BOYS apa benda ntah.. Duli Yang Amat Mulia Raja Jaffar Bin Raja Muda Musa Raja Dihilir Perak pun ada sekali..

Jadi dalam pukul 1 nak dekat pukul 2, Acu aku pun bertolak lah ke lumut bersama keluarga.. Tinggallah aku keseorangan.. aku pon pe lagi.. online je le kerja.. hahaha.. pastu online sampai pukul 4 lebih.. aku decide nak main piano.. so aku pun main la.. aku bukan reti sgt main piano ni.. x pernah blajo pon.. main sendiri-sendiri je.. so aku pun main la lagu You Are Not Alone ngan Fall For You.. itu je lagu yg aku reti.. lepas tu, gatal tgn main la lagu merepek2.. cipta lagu sendiri la..

Piano ni lah yg aku main

haaa.. waktu aku main lagu sendiri u la makhluk tu kacau aku.. Kat rumah acu aku ni ada beberapa barang antik.. salah satunya Pemain Piring Hitam.. Dia punya Corong tu tetiba jatuh waktu aku main piano.. aku pun terkejut lah.. waktu tu dalam pukul 4.40 petang camtu.. yg lagi bestnya, piring hitam tu berputar dengan sendirinya.. aku syok je tgk.. dalam hati aku cakap, haram J! sibuk je menatang ni.. Aku bangun pegi ka piring hiam tu.. aku pegang weh.. aku tahan x bagi pusing, dia berputar jugak.. aku baca bismillah, aku cakap kat piring hitam tu, "ko jangan kacau aku.. aku nak main piano.. ko nak main tunggu xde org" aku siap sound lagi 'benda' tu.. aku cakap "darjat ko x sama dengan aku, aku lebih mulia ko ingat sket" pastu piring hiam tu berhenti kot.. aku pun sambung main piano.. hhaha.. kerek je aku..

Piring hitam yang berputar sendiri

waktu tu aku terkejut la, tipu kalau x terkejut kan.. dah la sorang-sorang, pastu piring hitam tu berputar sendiri.. memang haram J.. haha.. tapi aku siki pun x takut.. mungkin sebab siang ko.. ntah.. tapi kawasan ni pon sunyi gak sebenarnya.. haha..

Aku rasa sampai sini sajalah citer aku.. hari ni hari ahad, sepatutnya aku reha ka rumah, tapi new year nak dekat dah.. aku ade kerja nak kena siapkan sebelum tahun baru, jadi baik aku bua hari ni takut esok x sempat kan? haha.. OK lah sampai di sini sajalah citer aku..

Adios Amigo.. Assalamualaikum.. FRESH ME FRESH STORY!!!

Friday, 21 December 2012

Kembali Mengarang

Hey Yaw!! What's UP??!! Kembali mengarang Yaw~ This time, dalam Bahasa Melayu pula.

Teringin juga mengarang menggunakan bahasa baku seperti mengarang karangan sewaktu di alam persekolahan dahulu. Kini setelah tamat pengajian Tingkatan 6 di SMK Anderson Ipoh, tiada lagi zaman persekolahan buatku. Walau bagaimanapun, aku lebih merindui zaman tingkatan 5 ku. pelbagai kenangan manis yang ku peroleh.

Baiklah, kita tutup cerita mengenai zaman persekolahan. Apa yang ingin ku sampaikan disini ialah mengenai Hukum Karma. Seperti apa yang kita tahu, Hukum Karma bermaksud suatu perbuatan yang akan dibalas sama ada perbuatan baik dibalas dengan perbuatan baik dan perbuatan buruk dibalas dengan perbuatan buruk dan kita kerap mengaitkannya di dalam hidup kita.

Dan ianya menjadi persoalan kepada diriku. Aku tertanya. Apakah wujud hukum karma? Apakah pandangan Islam mengenai Hukum Karma ni? Apakah itu Hukum Karma? Adakah dalil yang menerima atau menolaknya?

Di bawah ini adalah maklumat yang aku peroleh mengenai Hukum Karma.

Hukum Karma boleh didefinasikan sebagai pembalasan atas perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang samada ianya perbuatan baik atau buruk yang dibalas kembali menurut hukum alam atas apa yang telah seseorang itu lakukan.  Jika ianya perbuatan baik, maka baiklah balasannya dan jika sebaliknya...maka buruklah pembalasan yang seseorang itu akan terima. 

Dari segi bahasanya.....Hukum Karma ini bunyinya seakan-akan selari dengan ajaran agama Islam. Tetapi jika diselami dengan lebih mendalam, ianya sangat jauh berbeza dengan ajaran Agama Islam.  

Pandangan Islam amat jelas melalui Firman Allah swt dalam Surah Az-Zalzalah ayat 99:7-8 maksudnya: Barang siapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat zarah pun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan) nya. Dan barang siapa yang mengerjakan kejahatan seberat zarah pun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan) nya pula.

Tetapi harus diingat !!!...Apabila disebut Hukum Karma, ianya tidak boleh lari dari kepercayaan penganut- penganut agama Hindu akan pembalasan baik dan buruk ini.

Menurut kepercayaan agama Hindu, Hukum Karma  atau the Law of Karma bermaksud "perbuatan". Karma yang baik diberi pahala dan yang buruk pula mendapat dosa dan akan menjelma dalam bentuk binatang.

Bagi setiap penganut Hindu, mereka perlu melakukan karma atau perbuatan yang baik agar terlepas daripada kelahiran semula yakni lahir semula ke dunia dalam bentuk binatang.  Jika dilakukan perbuatan yang baik,  maka mereka akan kembali Bersama Tuhan penciptanya iaitu Brahma di “Nirwana” atau Syurga menurut agama Hindu.  Agama Hindu dan Buddha keduanya mempercayai akan “Hukum Karma” ini.
Selagi seseorang penganut Hindu itu gagal mencapai Karma yg baik, selagi itu dia akan alami kelahiran semula selepas memasuki neraka buat sementara waktu.

Ini sangat berbeza dengan ajaran islam.   Islam berpandangan bahawa Pertama:, tiada istilah kelahiran semula ke dunia, manusia yang diciptakan Allah hanya hidup sekali sahaja di dunia ini dan hanya dibangkitkan di akhirat bagi Allah menghitung dan membalas amal perbuatan mereka semasa hidup di dunia ini samada masuk Neraka atau Ke Syurga.   Oleh itu hukum karma itu tertolak dengan sendiri.

Mempercayai hukum karma menurut pandangan dan fahaman agama Hindu seperti dilahirkan semula ke dunia ini buat kali yang kedua boleh menyebabkan seseorang Islam itu terkeluar dari Agama Islam yang suci.  Oleh itu adalah haram kita mempercayai kelahiran semula ini, kerana sesudah mati,  kita akan menanti hingga datangnya hari pembalasan iaitu hari Kiamat.

Ada yang bertanyakan tentang konsep Kifarah dalam islam yang seakan sama dengan hukum karma.   

Ok...maksud Kifarah ialah:
Kifarah adalah balasan Allah di dunia akibat dosa yang dilakukan oleh seorang hambanya, juga ujian-ujian Allah itu boleh berlaku, yang mungkin melibatkan kematian orang yang dikasihi, kehilangan harta benda ataupun penyakit, tidak kira sama ada penyakit tersebut berlaku dalam tempoh masa yang lama ataupun sekejap bergantung kepada ketentuan (qada’) Ilahi atau buat selama-lamanya sehingga mati. Selagi ketentuan (qada’) bagi sakit itu belum menepati qada’ Allah, maka sakit (kifarah) tadi tidak akan sembuh biarpun pelbagai usaha dilakukan oleh manusia jelas di.sini membuktikan bahawa ada di antara penyakit itu akan sembuh dengan sendiri biarpun tanpa usaha manusia untuk mendapatkan kesembuhan ataupun tidak akan sembuh biarpun banyak usaha untuk menyembuhkannya telah dilakukan.

Perlu kita faham....bahawa hukum karma menurut agama Hindu, jika berbuat jahat...akan dibalas seseorang itu dengan dihidupkan semula ke dunia ini dalam bentuk binatang.  Manakala Kifarah dalam Islam...contohnya seperti maksud di atas dan...seperti dosa menderhaka kepada kedua ibu dan bapa...Allah S.W.T membayar CASH atau membalas perbuatan itu terhadap anak derhaka tersebut ketika hidup di dunia ini tanpa menunggu ia mati.
Tidakkah ajaran Islam itu sangat berbeza dengan hukum Karma tersebut.

Hukum karma adalah kepercayaan orang yang beragama Hindu. Kita sebagai orang Islam memiliki rukun Islam dan rukun Iman kita sendiri.
Kenapa harus kita mengambil hukum yang selain dari hukum Allah.

Firman Allah S.W.T,
“Sesungguhnya agama (yang diredhai) di sisi Allah hanyalah Islam.” (Surah Ali Imran, 3: 19)
Dan firman-Nya lagi, “Barangsiapa yang mencari agama selain dari agama Islam, maka sekali-kali tidaklah akan diterima (agama itu) daripadanya, dan dia di akhirat termasuk orang-orang yang rugi.” (Surah Ali Imran, 3: 85)
Kerana itu jugalah Allah S.W.T. mengutuskan hamba dan Rasul-Nya, Muhammad S.A.W yang menjadi rahmat sekalian alam supaya mengajak Ahlul Kitab sama ada dari orang-orang Yahudi atau pun Nasrani (Kristian) serta golongan yang ummi dari kalangan orang-orang musyrik kepada jalan agama Allah iaitu Islam yang mengandungi petunjuk dan syari’at-Nya.


Sunday, 18 November 2012

Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4

Aventador (front)

Aventador (rear)

Hey Yaw!! What's UP??!! today i'm gonna speak about my dream cars.. Just like my last post about the BMW M3 E92, today i'm going to talk about the Aventador.. When the first time i know lamborghini, i don't really like it.. because of its design.. I mean the Lamborghini Diablo.. haha.. that was the first lamborghini that i ever known.. Then The Gallardo emerge.. Still, i just feel like nothing happens.. For me Gallardo has nothing to impress me.. I don't know why.. don't ask me.. hahaha..
BMW M3 E92

Lamborghini Diablo
Lamborghini Gallardo
Till then I heard about the Murcielago.. I know about this car during playing the NFS Pro Street.. the car was pretty fast.. haha.. And last time i heard that the Lamborghini Murcielago Superveloce is the fastest Lamborghini ever.. Now not anymore i guess..

Lamborghini Mucielago SuperVeloce
Speaking of the Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 is a two-door, two-seater sport car.. It can reach up to 220 MpH (354 KM/H) pretty fast.. no no.. Super fast for a car.. haha.. According to Lamborghini, Aventador is the name of a Bull that entered into battle at the Saragosa Arena on October 1993. This is the fastest Bull in the world.. The price is around US$ 379,700 try to convert it into Ringgit Malaysia.. hahaha.. I've made some research and found out that the price of this Bull in Malaysia is around RM 2.4 Million.. pfft.. crazy huh..
Aventador speedometer

Aventador Interior
Beside the Aventador, there is Aventador J.. which is much more beautiful than the aventador.. According to my research, they said the the only produce 1 Aventador J and sold it for 2.1 Million Euros.. I'm not really sure whether this is right or wrong.. huhu..

Aventador J

Well, that's all that i can said about this super car.. One day imma get one of this.. Damn!! Here are some cool pic of Lamborghini.. and check out the vid of top gear about the aventador down there.. =)

Aventador SuperVeloce

Aventador Roadster (front)
Aventador Roadster (rear)
Lamborghini Reventon
Lamborghini Insecta (concept)
Lamborghini Estoque (sedan)
Lamborghini Urus (SUV)

Till then yaw!!! FRESH ME FRESH STORY!!!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


Hey Yaw!! What's UP??!! how ya guys been doin'? i guess ya guys just fine eh?? haha.. well, referring to the number 20,973, that is my number of pageviewers... wow.. crazy number.. never thought it going to be like more than 10 thousands.. haha..

After I did some research from where the hell or what the hell that makes my pageviewers keep rising up is my post titled BMW M3 E92.. it got more than 5000++ Viewers.. weee.. never thought that will happen because i just post the post for fun.. just wanna share my interest.. haha.. And most of the visitors are from United State of America and Great Britain.. I wonder from where did they found the post.. haha..

BMW M3 E92

Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog.. I'll post another story when i'm free.. Exam is just around the corner, gotta burn the midnight oil.. haha.. well then, see ya guys later...


Tuesday, 30 October 2012

that feeling

hey guess what.. that weird feeling is haunting me once again.. this time just like the last time.. same like the last time.. bad timing to feel something like this... i'm gonna screw up everything.. shit.. please.. not this time.. i beg my feeling for mercy.. not this time please my dear feelings.. u're killing me.. u're killing my future.. please go away.. far far away.. If you wanna do a comeback, please come again right after my biggest exam is done..

Gone through a shitty day today.. dunno why, i feel like.. urgh... everything seems wrong.. I just wanna live a happy life.. sometimes i hope that i can sleep and forget the whole thing in the morning and wake up as a new me.. but.. haih.. Enough with all this weird feelings.. please let me go my dear feelings.. I really need a time right now, but times doesn't seems so friendly right now..

Hope can cope with this feelings till i finish my exam.. guess what, never felt that feeling for a long time and.. urgh... can't say it right here.. well i'm gonna tell it anyway someday.. till the day homies..


Wednesday, 24 October 2012

26 days left...

26 Days Left!!!!

HEY YAW!! What's UP??!! Damn it guys!! Damn it!! Its getting closer and closer and my Emotional Quotient doesn't seems stabilize enough.. Urgh.. I got too many feelings that i feel in the same time.. This is due to my life and people around me.. Bad things happens and so do good things.. hahaha.. I feel like I'm a mad person dude... Mad for nothing reasonable i guess..

Well as ya guys can see there is about 26 days left for my biggest school exam in my life counting from today.. There is no more second chance and yes I do get a second chance to build a better future.. I did waste my time for this second chance, and now all that i can see that the times doesn't seems friendly enough with me..  I was grateful that some people around me do concern about me regarding to this.. Thanks to those for concerning..

Focus dude Focus!!
All i need now is too focus and keep focus till the day arrive.. I hope its not too late.. anyway at least i had cover 40% of my study in overall.. so, in another 20 days i hope i can cover up to 75%.. with that i am sure that i can get my result with full colours.. Only if i can recover up to 75% of my study.. at least.. haha.. wish me luck guys!! really need a miracle in this..

Well no one ever called me a geek before.. haha.. xD

Frankly i tell ya guys, i'm not a geek type of person that love to study, I'm a gamer who love to plays video games all day long.. yes i love to read too but i just read something that attract my interest in.. I love to find a new interesting facts.. But the content in the reference book is a facts that are not interesting for me to read it.. hahaha.. My teacher do told us (my class) that by teaching others on what we know, we can remember it well.. so.. I really need to do a study group!! Come on guys!! Don't you wanna succeed in ya life?? Do me a favor!! Help me!! And i help ya Guys!! Helping each other are the most important things right now.. Each time i ask for a study group, there always obstacle or resistance.. From now on, no matter what, I will make it happens.. no matter where or with whom.. This is all for the better future..

Not a Jamming studio that i used to go.. it just a picture =)

Study in the day, Jamming in the night.. hahaha.. Well, the study is for my left side brain, and Music for my right side brain.. balance right?? hehe.. Well, no more playing around i guess.. i hope that i will do what i said this time.. I did said this a few times before.. but.. ya know.. i just feel too lazy when my laziness strikes me..
This is my last chance like i said.. haha.. It's My Life.. It's now or never.. I ain't gonna live forever.. =)

Well i guess that's all for today.. Till next post homies!!

Friday, 19 October 2012

Sini Ada Satu Cerita

HEY YAW!! What's UP??!! For the first time my post gonna be in Bahasa i guess... I dunno coz  i forgot whether i did post in Bahasa or not.. hahaha.. well.. let's get started..

Berikutan dengan tajuk di atas.. kenapa tiba-tiba nak berbahasa melayu?? hurm.. sini ada satu cerita.. nak cerita la ni.. Aku sebenarnya dah tak berapa reti nak cakap omputih ni.. haih.. ni semua gara-gara result MUET yang aku dapat.. Kurang memuaskan lah.. haih.. hilang semangat aku nak speaking.. Tujuan aku tulis blog ni dalam bahasa inggeris pun bersebab sebenarnya.. Actually, aku cuma nak improve kan bahasa inggeris aku.. walaupun aku tahu banyak grammar error dalam ni.. ah lantak lah.. hahaha...

Ingat, aku cuma nak improve bahasa inggeris je.. bukan nak poyo nunjuk yang aku reti cakap bahasa inggeris.. Come on la.. We live in the 21st century.. Orang zaman ni semua boleh cakap dwi bahasa kan?? tak kan nak lekat 1 bahasa je.. why don't we make a change?? Bukan nak lupa pada bahasa ibunda kita, yg tu pun sama penting juga.. Tapi bahasa kedua pun penting juga.. buatnya korang kena travel pegi jauh-jauh keluar negara kan susah.. bahasa apa korang nak guna?? hahaha..

Post ni actually aku saje tulis dan harap ade gak la typical-typical malay yang suka condemn orang lain cakap bahasa inggeris.. Cuba korang fikir.. katakanlah korang berniaga, tetiba ade customer or client dari luar negara, camne korang nak entertain client korang tu?? tak kan nak bawak kamus pulak kan?? buat malu je la.. haha.. aku penah dengar satu cerita di mana ada mat saleh ni dia nak order satay, tapi orang melayu yg amik order tu tak reti cakap bahasa inggeris... berbelit gak la dengar dia cakap.. hahaha.. kat situ dah nampak betapa pentingnya bahasa kedua ni.. kalau belajar bahasa arab lagi bagus.. bahasa syurga tu.. aku teringin gak nak belajar, sikit sikit la dulu.. orang kata pelan-pelan kayuh kan?? hahhaa..

Ok lah.. sampai sini je lah post ni.. tak tau nak tulis ape dah.. haha..

Monday, 15 October 2012

Train - Drive By

HEY YAW!! What's UP??!! heh.. what am i gonna say?? nothing i guess.. as you can see.. new layout, new background, new fonts, new songs.. yeah.. Drive By by Train.. I dunno why.. I just love this song.. maybe the music arrangement make me feels like more natural..

Actually there is nothing i wanna write right now, eventhough thee are many super massive story up here in my head.. I just don't feel like write it down here.. maybe next time homies.. anyway, just enjoy this song..

                                                                                                 "Drive By"
On the other side of a street I knew
Stood a girl that looked like you
I guess that's déjà vu
But I thought this can't be true
'Cause you moved to west LA
Or New York or Santa Fe
Or wherever to get away from me
Oh but that one night
Was more than just right
I didn't leave you 'cause I was all through
Oh I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell
Because I really fell for you
Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Just a shy guy looking for a two-ply
Hefty bag to hold my love
When you move me everything is groovy
They don't like it sue me
Mmm the way you do me
Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by
On the upside of a downward spiral
My love for you went viral
And I loved you every mile you drove away
But now here you are again
So let's skip the "how you been"
And get down to the "more than friends" at last
Oh but that one night
Is still the highlight
I didn't need you until I came to
And I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell
Because I really fell for you
Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Just a shy guy looking for a two-ply
Hefty bag to hold my love
When you move me everything is groovy
They don't like it sue me
Mmm the way you do me
Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Please believe that when I leave
There's nothing up my sleeve but love for you
And a little time to get my head together too
On the other side of a street I knew
Stood a girl that looked like you
I guess that's déjà vu
But I thought this can't be true
Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by
Just a shy guy looking for a two-ply
Hefty bag to hold my love
When you move me everything is groovy
They don't like it sue me
Mmm the way you do me
Oh I swear to you
I'll be there for you
This is not a drive by

I got big freaking exam coming.. Till next time HOMIES!!

Friday, 1 June 2012

Retarded Absent Minded Craving For Nothing!

Hey Yaw!! WHAT'S UP!!?? As usual eh the greetings.. or maybe i should change it.. It may be going to sounds like this... Greetings Fellow Human!!!.. lol.. too "alien looks like" >_<
or maybe.. I bid a very good day fellow followers... nahh.. to formal... this is not a speech as u can see.. i mean this blog of course.. maybe..
Hello there.. nah.. too simple.. >_<
so it is best to stick up to Hey Yaw!! WHAT'S UP!!?? HAHAHAHA.. xD

So its been so long since i post something in this blog.. i bet maybe some of you guys waiting for new story about me.. and maybe some don't.. i don't know... but the number of the viewers keep increasing, so i bet there is some people out there were reading my blog.. well, today i decided to write a new entry..

Regarding to the title of this entry, well nothing much.. i just simply wrote some craps there.. yeah.. retarded.. >_< maybe lately i'm a bit retarded.. i don't know what i really want.. My mind is absent at the moment.. i just did what ever my heart told me too.. super retarded..

well.. i really want something, but i just don't know what it is.. Honestly i felt bored with my life right now.. i wanted something new.. Is not that i'm not thanking to god for what am i having right now, it just.. i want something new.. something fresh.. i don't know what the hell i want!! >_<

About my daily life.. well there's nothing much i guess.. just a normal student daily life accept i didn't study at all and enjoying my holiday.. not really enjoyed though.. Maybe i need some crazy activity.. I've been thinking about jog from my house to Tambun or something.. lol.. pretty crazy huh?? hahaha.. that's just what i've been thinking.. i don't know whether i'm going to do it or not.. if i did it, i will post it i guess.. we'll see about it then.. >_<

Last but not least.. errrr... ok i don't know what else to write.. if u got anything to comment or any question or whatsoever, just leave a comment, message, inbox my FB or whatsoever that can connect to me.. if ya guys didn't really like the song, layout, backgroud.. come on... SPEAK YOUR MIND!! xD

well, i guess that's all folks!! xD
See yaa in the next post i guess... FAREWELL!!!